Part 4: How carers can help in consultations

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Carers can help you to prepare a list of questions to ask your health professional at your next appointment:

  • To make the most of the time in a consultation, you can decide which questions are most important, and put these questions at the top of the list.
  • There may be information that your carer, as the primary carer, also needs to know, and this might also be included on the list (if you are okay with the questions they want to ask).

Completing a question list can be a good way to prepare for a consultation. You can complete the activity below to build a question list to bring to your next consultation.

ACTIVITY: Preparing a question list

When you go to a consultation with a medical professional, you and your loved one may have questions and concerns. Often these can be forgotten, only to be remembered later.

Members from our research team have previously developed and assessed a list of possible questions to ask to help you to get the information you want from your oncologist about your loved one’s illness, and possible treatments. For more information about these question lists, visit the following website:

We suggest you build a list of questions that you want to ask at your next consultation. You can do this by dragging and dropping any of the suggested questions and typing in any that you may think of which are not listed. You can download this list and take it to your consultation.


To start, select which type of clinician you are seeing to reveal relevant questions that you may like to ask them.