Guideline 5: Observing family relationships

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Respectfully and sensitively address any problematic patient-family carer relationship dynamics

  • Check in with the patient about how they would like their family member to be involved in consultations and decisions (either with the patient alone, or with the patient and carer together).
  • Check in with the carer about how they want to be involved. 24,26,29,33
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  • Privately with patient “I’ve noticed that [family carer] often speaks on your behalf, but it seems like you also have things to say. Is this something you like them doing, or would you prefer your family member to be involved in our meetings in a different way?” 
  • With patient and carer together “[Family carer] how are you feeling about the way you are involved in our meetings? How would you like to be involved going forward? And what about you [patient]? What do you think?”

  • If family dominance is detected, refer to Guideline 11 Family dominance.
  • If family conflict is detected, refer to Guideline 13 Longstanding family conflict.