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Welcome to eTRIO

  • The eTRIO program has been designed to help you and your carer to feel more prepared and confident when communicating with doctors and nurses.
  • eTRIO will provide your carer with useful information and practical tips to help them as a carer.
  • eTRIO has been developed by a team of researchers, psychologists, cancer doctors, and cancer nurses.
Why am I doing this program, if it is designed for carers?
  • This program is designed to improve the way carers can help patients and engage with health professionals. You, as the patient are central to this. It is your right to include a carer as much (or little) as you want.
  • You have been given access to a shortened version of the carer training program so that you know what information your carer is learning and you can discuss their involvement together.
  • We think many of the skills taught in this program are relevant to you too - knowing who the health team are, knowing your rights, preparing for consultations, asking questions.

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