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ACTIVITY: Test yourself

i Test yourself on the effects of caregiving.

Carers of cancer patients have a higher mortality rate than the general population.

The Caregiver Health Effects Study found that elderly spouses of cancer patients had mortality risks that were 63% higher than non-caregiving controls. 10


Caring for a loved one can negatively affect the physical health of the carer.

The population-based study of carers found that participants reporting caregiving strain experienced poorer physical functioning and reported lower levels of perceived health than non-caregiving controls. 11


Carers experience lower levels of depression and anxiety than patients.

A meta-analysis of 21 independent studies measuring psychological distress in cancer patients and their carers concluded that patients and carers experienced similar levels of psychological distress. 12


The vast majority of carers report feeling included and respected by health professionals

Several studies on cancer carer-health professional interactions reported that many carers feel ignored by health professionals. 13


Family carers tend to have greater unmet informational and psychosocial needs than patients.

In a UK study of 233 patient-carer pairs, carers reported more unmet needs than the patients 14. This may be due to family self-censoring important information, questions, and psychosocial needs.


Australia has introduced laws which advocate for health professionals to recognise, respect, and support family carers.

The Carer Recognition Act (2010) was developed to recognise the role and contribution of carers. It advocates for their involvement in care planning and delivery. However it does NOT override other laws protecting patient privacy, confidentiality, and informed consent. For more information visit: