Guideline 8: Family requests for nondisclosure of information
1 out of 11LEARNING OUTCOMES: In this section, you will learn how to deal with the request of "don't tell my family member they have has cancer". You will learn strategies on how to sensitively and legally navigate these requests.
Family occasionally request that information be withheld from the patient, most commonly the diagnosis of cancer or a poor prognosis 25,29.
A common strategy proposed by clinicians we interviewed 25 was to refuse carers’ requests and emphasise that according to Australian law the patient must know about their illness to provide informed consent.
Categorically refusing these requests may be problematic- because non-disclosure is considered ethically and culturally appropriate in many countries 50,51. We suggest a more nuanced approach to family requests, which while still complying with Australian Law, does not leave the family feeling alienated.