Guideline 7: Including large families

8 out of 11
Try to accommodate all family members that attend a consultation

If there are too many family members, ask the patient to nominate a smaller number to be present in the consultation

If unable to accommodate all family members:

  • Show respect to the family.
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“Hi [patient]. And this must be your family. What a great support network”.

  • Apologise for the lack of space in the consultation room.
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“I’m sorry, there is just not enough space for everyone in my small consultation room”.

  • Consider asking the patient to nominate a smaller number of family members to attend the consultation. 35
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“We can fit 2 or 3 family members into the consultation room. [Patient], are you ok to decide who will come in with you?”

  • If possible, sensitively ascertain from the patient if there are any reasons behind the large family presence (e.g. cultural norms, close-knit family, family conflict/mistrust).
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“[Patient], just so that I better understand the way you and your family work together, are there any reasons why a large number of family members attended today?”

  • Offer to audiotape the consultation for the wider family to review at home (if appropriate). 48
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“You are welcome to audio-record our discussion today. That way, if you want, your family can listen to our discussion later”.