Guideline 1: Family carer inclusive practices

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Specific strategies

Make sure the CLINIC has family inclusive practices and procedures

  • Clinic information documents could highlight that family are welcome to attend consultations.
  • Clinic staff (e.g. those managing appointment bookings) could indicate to patients that a family member is welcome to attend 19, 20.
  • New patient forms could include a section identifying the details of the main accompanying family carer.
  • A poster in the waiting room could indicate that family are welcome.


The following materials may be downloaded for use in your workplace. Click on the each item to download.

family poster
Family carer
Family carer


A NOTE ABOUT COVID-19: The number of carers who can attend a consultation may be restricted at times. Ensure clear communication with patients about these restrictions and how many carers can accompany them. Wherever possible, try to facilitate the involvement of at least one carer. Try to ensure carers who are unable to be physically present can still be included, such as through teleconferencing.