Part 8: Advocating for the patient

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How to speak up for the patient

If you and your loved one feel that the healthcare team is not responding adequately to their needs, or there is something that has been missed, it is okay to speak up.

To be able to advocate for a patient, you need to listen to the patient and understand their needs.

Below are some clear steps to follow if you need to speak up for the patient.

Step Example:
1) Introduce the issue. “Mary has been feeling really sick, the nausea is getting worse”
2) Explain why it is important. “This is important because it is affecting her ability to eat, and she is becoming weaker”
3) Ask for, or suggest, a solution. “Is there something you can prescribe her to make her feel better?”
4) Show your appreciation “I understand you are very busy. We are really grateful for your time"

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