Part 6: After the consultation

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Sharing updates with family and friends

  • Carers are often asked to take on a "messenger" role, updating other family and friends about the patient’s condition.
  • Before sharing any information with family / friends, have a conversation with the patient about what information (if any) they want to be shared. Respect the patient's right to privacy.
  • Having notes from consultations can make it easier to relay information afterwards.
  • Some people find communicating with others can be a bit overwhelming: you can ask another carer to take on this role, give updates on social media (such as through a private Facebook group), or communicate via group email or group text. Regular family and friend meetings may also be useful to share information, feelings, concerns; and to organise caregiving roles.
  • It’s ok if you and/or the patient don’t want to share this information widely. Do whatever feels comfortable for you both.

TOP TIP: Sharing medical information is a very personal matter. Discuss with the patient if/how they would like their progress to be shared with others.
