Part 3: First meetings with health professionals

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Why are introductions important?

It is a good idea to introduce yourself to a health professional at the start of the consultation or first interaction.

It is important that the health professional knows who you are and that you are an important part of the patient’s care, as this will make them more likely to include you in future consultations and respond to your concerns.

It can be harder to change the dynamics of a group once they become a habit, so it is good to establish your involvement early.

Some tips for a good introduction

  • Greet the health professional and tell them your name.
  • Outline your relationship to the patient and your current role in caring for them.
  • Try to build a connection with the health professional by being warm and respectful.
  • Thank the health professional for their time and expertise.
  • Patients can also highlight that they appreciate their carer’s input.